Poster Session for the Tyrosinemia 2015 International Conference

The Tyrosinemia 2015 organizing committee is proud to offer a platform for knowledge transfer and sharing. We invite you to propose a poster presentation in one of the three categories:

  • Fundamental research pertaining to the following aspects of the disease.: molecular biology, cellular biology or genetics.
  • Clinical research pertaining to the following aspects of the disease : treatment, nutrition, patient care, prevention, genetic counselling or screening .
  • Initiative developed to help patients or improve their quality of life (nutrition, information, prevention or tools)

The winner of each category will receive $500.


The Poster Session is open to students, researchers, clinicians, organizations and patient associations who are interested in Tyrosinemia.


In order to participate, you must submit your candidacy according to the procedure described below.


To participate in the Poster Session, you must submit your poster by filling the Session form. The form must be completed in the language of the poster, i.e. French or English.

The poster proposal must be submitted before August 1st at midnight, using the online form at the bottom of this page. The committee will contact the main authors only to announce if the poster was accepted or refused. All authors will be contacted August 14, 2015 to the latest.

Requirements and poster format

All posters must be presented in a landscape format that does not exceed a height of 90 cm  and a width of 120 cm. All posters will have to be installed on September 24th, 2015 between 2 and 8 pm. The necessary material will be available on site.

Poster evaluation

The poster will have to remain installed until September 26th at 4 pm. The jury, composed of three to five members, will evaluate the posters on the 26th between 12 and 1:30 pm. The main author will be asked to present his poster to the jury during a ten-minute presentation. A question period of 5 minutes will follow the presentation.

The evaluation criteria include : scientific rigour, quality of poster (written and visual aspects) and quality of the oral presentation (ability to communicate the content dynamically and to answer questions)

For more information, please contact

To participate, fill in the following form.

    Main author

    Your name (required)

    Your email (required)

    Secondary authors




    Select the appropriate category

    Fundamental researchClinical researchInitiative

    Title of the poster


    (introduction, objectives, methodology, results if already available, conclusion or presentation of your project of initiative)

    Maximum 1 500 characters, including spaces.

    Write the following caracters in the next field (anti-bot)

    Dans le but d’informer et de faire un bilan sur la tyrosinémie, le GAETQ organise un colloque international afin de faire le point sur cette maladie et son impact dans le monde médical.

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