It was with great pleasure that I accepted to become copresident of the first International Conference on Tyrosinemia. As regional Vice-president for the National Bank of Canada, it is an honour to suport such important event that will give our region a great visibility and reflect the commitment and proactivity of our region.
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Sobi is a rare disease company and as such, we feel very passionately about being part of a world where rare diseases can be diagnosed and treated at birth so that the patients can live normal lives. For more than 20 years Sobi has been part of the hypertyrosinaemia community…
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Dr. Fernando Alvarez
Paediatric hepatologist
Dr. Josée Dubois
Pediatric radiologist
Dr. Markus Grompe
Pediatric research
Dr. Grant Mitchell
Genetician biochemist
Manon Bouchard
Professional dietitian
Dr. Robert Tanguay
Molecular biologist
Dr PJ Mc Kiernan
Pediatric hepatologist
Dre Hélène Ogier
Metabolic paediatrician
Laurie N. Gottlieb, N., PhD
Dr Philippe Robaey
Suzanne Atkinson
Dr Marc Bilodeau
Dr Ugur Halac
Pediatric Gastroenterologist-Hepatologist
Dr Francjan Van Spronsen
Metabolic paediatrician
Dr Yves Giguère, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Doctor in biochemistry
A tribute to Dr Jean Larochelle
Dr Larochelle is known as a pionneer in the treatment of Tyrosinemia. He has devoted several years as a paediatrician working closely with patients affected with the disease. He has collaborated to several research projects and treatment trials to improve the survival and quality of life of his young patients. read more…