It was with great pleasure that I accepted to become copresident of the first International Conference on Tyrosinemia. As regional Vice-president for the National Bank of Canada, it is an honour to suport such important event that will give our region a great visibility and reflect the commitment and proactivity of our region. As a mother of a child affected with Tyrosinemia, I am proud to be part of the organizing committee and work to make this international conference a unique event where families and targeted professionals can meet, share their expertise and create new partnerships that will improve the future of our children.
Sylvie Saint-Pierre
Sobi is a rare disease company and as such, we feel very passionately about being part of a world where rare diseases can be diagnosed and treated at birth so that the patients can live normal lives. For more than 20 years Sobi has been part of the hypertyrosinaemia community and it is therefore a true honour to be able to participate in the celebration of Dr Larochelle’s pioneering work.
Anders Bröijersén, MD, PhD
Medical Director, Genetics and Metabolism